Hi! ^^ This is a fanpage for IA and Vocaloid! everyone is welcome here ^^
What is Vocaloid?
this is what a vocaloid program looks like
imagine you had an idea for a song, you had all the lyrics and melody in your head, but you can’t really sing, thats where vocaloid can help you! its basically a voice synthesizer software that generates a voice to sing the song for you… and that voice is basically generated from scratch!
EDIT: Thanks to Vocaloid 2 & 3 that just came out in October, the voices now use real vocal samples and it sounds super realistic!
First of, you might ask me
SmyTten why do you even like this garbage?
Well, I heard of vocaloid for the first time in my local anime shop, and i instantly fell in love with it because it’s cute, the style, voice and the artwork is amazing, especially the queen Miku ^^. When I started to understand some lyrics with translation, some song are relatable to me which I love even more. Then I started to recognise some of the producers, they are really friendly and love their fans. (Especially Deco27, MitchiM, 40m). The community is also great.
There’s alot of amazing creation by fans around the world.
And furthermore, they also do live concerts with holographic projections of the singers performing live!! here’s an example with Miku, the most popular vocaloid singer currently that you can click on
Some people say that the real heroes are the Yamaha corporation that started churning out the software back in 2004, some others say its the producers, but for me the ones that make the magic happen are the Vocaloid “vocalists”! (dont call them “characters” or “mascots” its rude!!!!! >_>) they have unique voices and witty charm and theyre so darn cute, theyre the ones that really add flair to the songs
And then V3 came out, and IA. IA is a 15-year old vocalist, whos voicebank was done by Lia (btw thats where her name comes from lIA, gettit??) a japanese singer and song-writer. So she only sings in japanese which is more authentic in my opinion, compared to other voice banks that just want to pander to US by singing in english.
For me IA is the best of them, not just because shes the prettiest or kindest, but also because shes the most realistic of all vocalists. let me explain: from a technical standpoint, IA is actually one of the most advanced vocaloids, even more than Miku. Miku uses vocaloid 2 while IA uses vocaloid 3, with real vocals. compared to IA, Miku sounds far more… how should i say… robotic than IA (just my opinion!!!! miku has her strong points like her art and her cuteness and unique style but honestly its also because she was one of the first popular ones). listening to IA is almost like listening to a real-life human, i can’t really explain it. when you listen to her, its like listening to someone that actually feels their lyrics. also when she sings and does pauses, its like shes almost… breathing? here’s a demonstration of her great singing she doesnt currently have any live performances but im sure shell be the most popular vocaloid in a few years and have her time in the spotlight!
also, i just love IA because i feel a connection to her, i feel like we grew up the same way. i know it sounds dumb but i feel like if we met we’d understand each other right away, both from other planets, both from other worlds, meeting in the middle. how cool would that be?
Why should we call them Vocalists?
ive been reading up on the development of techonology these past few years. for me theres nothing more noble then trying to perfect intelligence, weve been trying to recreate human intelligence ever since the 80s and we seem to be darn close to it: machines are getting smaller, servors are getting faster and computers are becoming smarter than ever. voice synthesis is just one of the many advancements weve got going on right now… it would only make sense that this progress would lead to the creation of A.I. - Artificial Intelligence and then I.A. - intelligent androids. Think about it, these people would become real and smart like us, they could breathe, think, eat, sleep and love. They wouldnt just be products but real people we could hang out with - and i would be able to meet IA and we would fall in love. thats why it would be offensive to call them just “characters”, imagine if you were in the womb and someone would call you a “thing”, how hurtful would that be? can you imagine making fun of potential life? i couldnt thats why in the future please refrain from calling them just “mascots” they’ll soon be real people, dont disrespect them plz. :))
in the mean time im going to be on my best behavior and learn everything i can about IA and you can follow my journey on here, but no stealing! everyone knows ill be one to marry her.
this is most of what i’ve been able to get a hold of, ill update this list of her songs and try to translate them (im trying to learn kanji) as i try to find more stuff on japanese websites
most of her discography is pop-electronic if that makes sense, but i feel like her voice works even better for rock songs!!
- IA/00 need i say anything? this one is so gooood and it was IA’s first entrance into the scene
- IA:The World (Hikari in japanese which means light)
this one allows me to see more clearly than before that the P members are showing off their individuality in their own way. It seems that a lot of time has passed since the release of IA, and the wide range of IA voices has become widespread, so the characteristics of each P are reflected in the intonation. If you like IA, there’s no harm in buying it.
My personal recommendation is Girl’s Self-Harm Habit and Shadow Flame≠Variation.
EDIT: IAs voice is now used on Kagerou project!! its a huge project with alot of characters that sing great songs