My favorite movies!
We used to have movie and Anime nights with HateN, watching a lot of them when he had money from his babysitting gigs at Nick’s. Luckily, he worked there… otherwise, we would never have had the money to rent the movies because our parents really didn’t want us watching TV or going to the cinema… Good Memories :D
Top movies
Soul Surfer : mom let us watch this one last summer, it was one of the few we watched in the living room not hidden in HateN’s room in the basement. It was nice, but i’m afraid of sharks D:
Air Bud : A dog playing Basketball ?? xD Had to put this one there lmao
Into The Wild : I’d rather die of starvation in an abandoned bus than to rot in this family for eternity.
The prince of Egypt
The Moving Castle
Top shows
SAMURAI CHAMPLOO : love this one, Mugen and Jin reminds me of me and HateN…
Death Note
FullMetal Alchemist
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